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Vigil Planned as Alabama Schedules Execution of Tommy Arthur

Alabama has set November 3rd 2016 as the execution date for Tommy Arthur.

What you can do:

1) Write a letter of protest

Please contact Governor Robert Bentley and ask him to stay this execution


STATE CAPITOL N 104 600 Dexter Ave MONTGOMERY, AL 36130 2751 PHONE 1-334-242-7100 FAX: 1-334-242-3282 Email:

2) Come to our vigil

We will hold a vigil on Nov 3rd from 11:30am to 1:00 pm in front of the county courthouse (Birmingham) at Arrington & Woods, N. The vigil will happen even if - as we hope - the killing does not. If the state does kill Mr Arthur we will hold a short requiem vigil at 5:55pm at Dr. King's statue in Kelly Ingram Park, because Alabama kills at 6:00 pm.

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