Join Us For A Retreat
with Alan Storey
Prayer and reflection on the scriptures,
the demands they make of us,
and the freedom they offer us.

What does kingdom living look like in our world in our time?
How can we be the people we’re called to be in these times of war, injustice, and climate emergency?
This will be Alan’s second retreat with us, and we expect it to be life-changing!
Alan Storey is an ordained minister of the Methodist Church of South Africa. He holds an Honours Degree in theology and a Masters in Philosophy. He is currently serving at the Central Methodist Mission in CapeTown, SA. The last conscientious objector to the Apartheid military, he is currently chair of Gun Free S.A., and has spent his life and ministries working for justice for all people in South Africa.
He has been involved with multiple efforts to transform racial injustice, including the founding of schools and clinics as well as facilitating Diversity Engagement Encounters, “healing the divisions that still divide us.”
Alan is a founding member of Sacred Worth, an organization working for the inclusion of LGBIT people within the church, and an activist calling for economic justice in the church body iteself. Alan travels widely and is known in the US for his work, especially for the Manna and Mercy weekends he leads. (This will not be a Manna and Mercy retreat)
Plentiful scholarships are available!
Dates: October28th-30th, 2022
Times: Friday 7:00pm - 12:00pm Sunday
Cost: $65 (includes meals)
Place: Eastlake United Methodist Church
7753 1st Ave. S Bham, AL 35206
Note: There is no lodging available at our new location, but please let us know if you need accommodations and we'll work something out!
Or Contact Mary's House
NEW LOCATION: Thanks to the folks at Eastlake United Methodist Church, we will be using their facility for our retreat!