This is Holy Ground
An Advent Retreat with Catherine Meeks
During our time together, we will focus on what it means to stand on the Holy Ground of the Southeast with its wonderful fabric containing both expressions of goodness and light and those of darkness, violence and hate. Often these threads are woven tightly together and it is difficult to see them clearly.
What does it mean to stand on this ground? Do we need to take off our shoes as Moses did when he stood in front of God on Holy Ground? Will that help us understand? How do we shed our shoes? Do we really want to shed our shoes? How do we stand on this land and go forward? These are some questions we will ponder in our time together.
We will invite the words of Howard Thurman and Jesus to guide us as we reflect together and listen to the many ways our heads and hearts answer us, during the retreat time and beyond.
Warning: a number of years ago Dr. Meeks led a Mary's House retreat. It was a small retreat, but so moving that one couple returned home and chanegd their lives around so that they could spend the next decade or more foster parenting at-risk children.
This retreat could change your life!
Dates: December 7th-9th, 2018
Times: Friday 7:00pm - 12:00pm Sunday
Cost: $60 days only, $65 for overnight
Place: The Rush Center
1126 Wiles Rd, Midfield, AL.
Dr. Catherine Meeks, Ph.D. is the retired Clara Carter Acree Distinguished Professor of Socio-Cultural Studies, an author, a community and wellness activist, and mid-wife to the soul. She currently serves as Chair of the Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.